
On this page we have collected all of the video appearances of DRYvER Partners. The videos are ordered by countries.


The recording of the Final Dissemination Webinar (20 March 2025)

The recording of the fifth DRYvER Webinar (23 February 2024)

The recording of the fourth DRYvER Webinar (17 January 2024)

The recording of the third DRYvER Webinar (13 December 2023)

The recording of the second DRYvER Webinar (15 November 2023)

The recording of the first DRYvER Webinar (18 October 2023)

A video about DRYvER by WebEdge Science

DRYRivERS - the first open-source smartphone application to monitor drying events in river networks



The Bolivian team made a video about their work in DRYvER for World Water Day 2023


Czech Republic

Česká televize

The Czech team made an appearance ance again on the regional TV.  Petr Pařil talked about drying up of streams and he also introduced the DRYRivERS app. The video can be accessed through the following link.

Česká televize

The Czech team made an appearance on the regional TV. The video can be accessed through the following link.



The following videos show the French WP2 team in action:

On this video, you can witness the French WP3 team at work:



YouTube Video of the oral presentation about the DRYRivERS application, given by Bálint Pernecker in the framework of the Internatonal Seasons program of the UP (with English subtitles)

YouTube video of the oral presentation by Zoltán Csabai at the conference organized by the UP Library and Knowledge Center: "Green Library"

The following video was created by the Department of Hydrobiology, University of Pécs to present the role of the department in the DRYvER project.

A short "teaser trailer" for the video about the the role of the Department of Hydrobiology, University of Pécs in the DRYvER project (listed above).

The DRYRivERS app video in Hungarian



A self-produced video about DRYvER on the Genal valley (18 December 2024)

In this video, Prof. Julia Martin-Ortega takes part remotely at an Environmental Education Open Day organised at the Valle del Genal on the 1st of February 2024

The following video is from a press release about the whole project, which was created for Andalusian media.