Reports and documents

Here we listed all documents, reports, deliverables, etc. which have been created throughout the DRYvER project. Whenever it is legally possible, we also provided links to these documents.



D1.1 - Report on flow intermittence indicators

This report presents the current state of the development of flow intermittence indicators obtained through an assessment of needs from the DRYvER working groups as well as preliminary data analysis and setups of hydrological models.

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D1.2 - Report on catchment-scale spatially distributed models for the 6 European focal DRNs

This report shows the results of DRYvER's hybrid hydrological modeling approach to simulate daily flow conditions and provide flow intermittence indicators in 6 European Drying River Networks

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D1.3 - Report on continental-scale high-resolution modeling of streamflow intermittence

This report contains the details of modelling the number of no-flow days of approximately 1.5 million river reaches in Europe was estimated for each of the 468 months in the period 1981-2019 using a two-step Random Forest modeling approach.

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D1.4 - Report on future projections of flow intermittence for the 6 European focal DRN

The current work aims to provide reach-scale daily flow conditions and flow intermittence indicators for the period 1985-2100 for each DRN.

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D1.5 - Report on catchment-scale hydrological models for the CELAC focal DRNs

This document synthesizes the hydrological research carried out at the three CELAC drying river networks (DRNs) investigated in the context of the DRYvER project.

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D1.6 - Report on downscaling global climate projections for catchment-scale hydrological modelling

The current work aims to produce reach-scale daily hydrological projections available for the period 1985-2100 for each DRN.

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D1.7 - Report on quantifying high-resolution climate change impacts on streamflow intermittence in Europe

In this report, we assessed the potential impacts of climate change on streamflow intermittence at a high spatial resolution for more than 1.5 million stream reaches in Europe by using the output of the global hydrological model WaterGAP for computing predictors of Random Forest (RF) model that predicts a monthly time series of the streamflow intermittence status in five classes.

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D2.1 - Report on the beta version of the dynamic model

This report presents the beta version of the metacommunity model developed in WP2 to investigate biodiversity dynamics in drying river networks.

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D2.2 - R package for the simulation model of meta-community dynamics

The model of metacommunity dynamics in drying river networks (see D2.3) was encapsulated in the R package “cantal.” It allows to simulate a wide range of drying scenarios, potential interspecific heterogeneity in dispersal abilities and resistance to drying. It can also simulate varying scenarios of drying events based on empirical data.

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D2.3 - Report on the final version of the model and the simulation results

This report presents the final version of the metacommunity model developed in WP2 (“Predicting biodiversity changes in DRNs”) to investigate biodiversity dynamics in drying river networks.

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D2.4 - A report on the existing European metacommunity and trait database

Goal of this task is to create a copilation of European freshwater metacommunity data as well as drying resistance and resilience traits of freshwater bacteria, fungi, diatoms, macroinvertebrates and fish. For this report available data, literature, published and grey literature, as well as expert opinion has been included.

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Supplementary data for D2.4: Trait database

Supplementary data for D2.4: Trait spreadsheet

Supplementary data for D2.4: Metadata spreadsheet


D2.5 - Meta-community and trait database at the focal DRN scale for CELAC

The purpose of this deliverable is to provide the databases of fish and aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity, and resilience/resistance traits biota exhibit to cope with drying. Databases are from three DRN located in countries that belong to the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) that are part of the DRYvER project. These databases will be used to make comparisons with data from the European Union (EU) DRNs to conduct a global metacommunity analysis.

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D2.6 - A report on meta-community spatio-temporal models and meta-community patterns across the six focal DRNs in Europe

This deliverable report provides an in-depth analysis of the factors influencing the structure of aquatic metacommunities in Drying River Networks (DRNs). It examines the influences of environmental factors, drying-related fragmentation, and network-scale spatial variables on algal, fungal, bacterial, macroinvertebrate and fish metacommunities in six DRNs across Europe.

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D2.7 - A graphical tool to simulate meta-community dynamics

In this deliverable, we present the graphical tool to simulate meta-community dynamics in the drying river networks studied by the project DRYvER. This tool is built upon the theoretical progress made by the project to understand the colonization/extinction dynamics of biological river communities experiencing recurrent drying events and rupture in river connectivity.

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D2.8 - A report on the biodiversity scenarios, mapping safe operational spaces for freshwater biodiversity at focal DRN and European scales

In this report, we present a set of analyses and predictions of the biodiversity variation within and among a set of European rivers, in response to environmental drivers, with special emphasis on the effect of drying.

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D2.9 - A report on the general metacommunity responses to drying, describing the applicability of models derived for the European focal DRNs to other climatic regions with different biogeographical settings and present-day and future drying patterns

This report from the DRYvER project analyzes the dynamics of aquatic macroinvertebrate metacommunities across various ecoregions to elucidate the spatiotemporal responses within two primary biogeographical settings: the Palearctic and the Neotropical regions (i.e., realms). This study focuses on the impact of drying on macroinvertebrate diversity within both perennial and intermittent streams across DRNs in Europe (Palearctic) and CELAC — Latin America and the Caribbean—(Neotropical)

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D3.1 - River network meta-ecosystem model

One of the main objectives of DRYvER is to develop a dynamic meta-system framework. To help conceptualize such a framework we built a simplified mechanistic model, which will allow us to test the effects of drying on resource and organism dynamics in artificial river-networks.

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D3.2 - A report on an R-package for river network meta-ecosystem modelling

One of the main objectives of DRYvER is to “develop a dynamic meta-system framework that catalyses our understanding of the effects of drying on river network biodiversity and key ecosystem functions”. To help conceptualize such a framework DRYvER built a simplified mechanistic model, which allowes for testing the effects of drying on resource and organism dynamics in an artificial river-network. This report contains the details of developing this model.

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D3.3 - Report on DOM quantity, composition and decomposition across 6 DRNs

Here, we report on the patterns of three DOM response variables: quantity, composition and decomposition rates in the 6 drying river networks (DRNs) of the DRYvER project. We present DRN-specific spatial and temporal patterns, including metrics that describe spatial or temporal turnover. 

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D3.4 - A report on leaf litter quantity and chemical diversity across 9 DRNs (6 European, 3 tropical in CELAC countries)

This report introduce some of the first results of DRYvER about the spatial distribution of particulate organic matter standing stocks and their chemical composition and diversity.

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D3.5 - Biodiversity-production relationships in periphyton and ecosystem

This report contains the details of a study in which DRYvER analysed river ecosystem metabolism across six DRNs located in Europe, following a long environmental gradient (from southern Spain to Finland) and considering three critical hydrological phases that are expected to influence river functioning (pre-dry, dry and post-rewetting).

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D3.6 - GHG evasion from drying river networks and the potential role of microbial biodiversity in sediments

This deliverable contains the details of a study in which DRYvER measured in situ CO2 and CH4 emissions from flowing waters and dry riverbeds at 120 sampling sites (20 per DRN) and across 3 sampling campaigns (pre-dry, dry period, post-dry) during 2021. DRYvER also measured several local abiotic variables, assessed the sediment aerobic respiration and methanogenic activity in laboratory essays and characterized sediment-borne microbial communities.

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D3.7 - A report on leaf litter decomposition and linkage to resource and microbial biodiversity

This report presents some of the first results of DRYvER, where leaf litter decomposition rates and decomposer communities across six European river networks through one hydrological cycle were studied.

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D3.8 - A report on dispersal-mediated biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning in intermittent rivers

In this deliverable, we report the results of an experiment, in which we examined the functionality of the proposed experimental units and the contribution of four recolonization pathways to the establishment of macroinvertebrate communities in two weeks. Our results show that the most important pathways for fast reestablishment of the community are downstream drift and vertical migration from hyporheic refuges.

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D3.9 - A report on ecosystem functioning in DRNs under climate change scenarios

The objective of this deliverable is to characterize the patterns of carbon cycling-related ecosystem functions in the six DRYvER focal DRNs for present conditions and under climate change scenarios up to the year 2100.

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D3.10 - A report on invertebrate and fish biodiversity-biomass-productivity relationsh

In this report, we aimed to investigate the stability of river food webs in the face of drying.  We sampled aquatic macroinvertebrate and fish communities and assessed hydrological conditions over the course of one year. We studied biodiversity, taxon-specific biomass using image analysis, and estimated secondary productivity of invertebrates and fish.

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D3.11: A report on EU-scale predictions of ecosystem functioning in DRNs

The objective of this deliverable was to model predictions of carbon cycling-related ecosystem functions (CO2 emissions, river ecosystem metabolism, and leaf litter decomposition) of both perennial and intermittent reaches for three hydrological phases (pre-dry, dry, and post-dry phase) at the European scale.

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D4.1 - Conceptual model of the ecosystem services provision of DRNs and its application at the focal DRN level

This report presents a first part which develops a conceptual model of ecosystem service provisioning in Drying River Networks and a second part with a modelling exercise estimating the provision of a selection of key ecosystem services in the 6 DRNs of the project.

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D4.2 - EU-scale maps of ecosystem services provision

The objectives of this deliverable were to model the provisioning of four ecosystem services (water provisioning, dilution capacity, flood regulation, and drought regulation) in river networks, including both perennial and intermittent rivers, and to describe the regional patterns of these services across Europe.

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D4.4 - Criteria and principles for the valuation of ES of DRN across Europe

As the valuation of ecosystem services (ES) in DRNs across Europe needs to rely on benefit transfer (BT) practices, the goal of this deliverable is to derive a set of guidelines to improve the future implementation of BT practices in this context. We summarise the findings of the literature review that produced economic values for securing or improving riverine ecosystem services under drying conditions.

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D5.1 - Stakeholder mapping

This deliverable provides general and Case Study specific recommendations for further stakeholder engagement, as well as recommendations for the Stakeholder Committee, the citizen science activities, and the policy activities, e.g., at the EU level.

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D5.4 - Policy proposals for improved coherence to encourage adaptive management of river networks in EU and Member states

With this policy report we list the policy measures aimed at securing biodiversity, water quality and ecosystem services and summarize results of stakeholder workshops from Spain, Hungary, France, Finland, Croatia and Czech Republic. We study horizontal policy coherence between EU policies that are relevant for the adaptive management of the DRNs. We provide policy recommendations for improved coherence and to encourage adaptive management within the DRN.

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D5.5 - Priority area mapping tool

The DRYvER-OptimApp is a collaborative tool designed to identify and prioritize critical areas for conservation and restoration of Drying River Networks (DRNs). Its main objective is to help find key areas for maintaining significant values of biodiversity, ecological functions, and ecosystem services in the six European DRNs that serve as case studies of the DRYvER project. It also provides insightful information on the importance of drying reaches for maintaining such values. Additionally, the app also offers the possibility to classify these identified priority areas based on their suitability for either conservation or restoration purposes. This tool was built as a Shiny app and is based on Systematic Conservation Planning (SCP) principles.

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D5.6 Decision support system based on Bayesian Belief Network modelling

This deliverable reports the Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) developed for six European Drying River Networks as a potential decision-making tool for drought mitigation in drying river networks.

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D6.1 - Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (PEDR)

The Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (PEDR) summarises the consortium’s strategy and concrete actions to communicate, disseminate, exploit, and protect the results generated by the DRYvER project. It also serves as a guideline to the consortium for the dissemination and exploitation activities to be carried out in the context of the DRYvER project.

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D6.2 - Visual identity materials: logo, templates, communication kits (leaflets, posters, roll-up banners)

This deliverable contains all the visual identity materials,such as logos, templates, offline communication kitsand the explanation of these. It also reflects to the area of usage of every part of this package.This deliverable ensures that the complete visual identity material is available to partners in order to transfer a recognisableand coherent image of the project in all communication and dissemination activities.

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D6.3 - Data Management Plan

This document summarises the data management principles that will be applied in DRYvER.

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D6.4 - e-Newsletters (published every 6 months)

This report assesses all the information on the e-Newsletters that were created and sent out throughout the DRYvER project.

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D6.5 - Report on communication, dissemination and exploitation activities

This report summarizes all information on communication, dissemination and exploitation activities of DRYvER from the start of the project (September 2020) until the end of the project (February 2025). This includes communication activities, e.g. TV and radio news/interviews, social media activity, videos, and dissemination activities, like participations on international conferences, special session or project related events where the project and/or its specific results have been presented, as well as about special events, training schools, short visits and activities, which are organized within the frames of the project.

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D6.6 - Final Dissemination Workshop

This report summarizes all information about the final dissemination webinar of DRYvER, that was held on 20 March 2025 on MS Teams platform. On the webinar, all technical Work Packages (1-5) presented their key findings and take-home-messages, and WP6 presented the DRYRivERS citizen science initiative of the project. The presentations were followed by a Question-and-Answer session. The recording of the webinar is publicly available on the YouTube channel of DRYvER.

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D7.1 - Kick-off meeting minutes

DRYvER Kick-Off meeting was held from the 6th to the 8th of October 2020 through conference call (Teams). The purpose of this meeting was to launch DRYvER, to provide a global overview of the project, with a focus on the WPs, administrative information regarding H2020 and DRYvER, management and internal communication, as well as to initiate technical discussions within and between WPs.

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D7.2 - Quality assurance plan and risk register

This DRYvER Quality Management Plan is intended to ensure that DRYvER processes and outputs are monitored and properly reported. It will be used to prevent possible deviations from the Work Plan and to provide deliverables of high quality. 

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D7.3 - Minutes of the 1st meeting of the General Assembly and 1st Advisory Board

DRYvER consortium and advisory board meetings were held from the 27th to the 29th of September 2021 through conference call. The purpose of this meeting was toreview the progress of DRYvER during the first year, the preliminary results and the upcoming steps and to discuss how to maximise the objective of the project. This deliverable provides an overview of the project status in September 2021.

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D7.4 - Minutes of the 2nd meeting of the General Assembly and 2nd Advisory Board

DRYvER consortium, the stakeholder committee and advisory board meetings were held from the 28th to the 30th of June 2022 in Lyon (France). The purpose of this meeting was to review the progress of DRYvER during the first two years, the preliminary results and the upcoming steps and to discuss how to maximise the impact of the project. In spite of Covid-19 related challenges, the project is overall going as planned in the Grant Agreement. This deliverable provides an overview of the project status in June 2022.

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D7.5. Minutes of the 3rd meeting of the General Assembly

DRYvER consortium meeting was held on September 26 and 27, 2023 in Pecs, Hungary. The purpose of this meeting was to review the progress of DRYvER during the third year of the project, the results and the upcoming steps until the end of the project, and to discuss how to maximise the impact of the project. In spite of a few delays, the project is overall going as planned in the Grant Agreement. This deliverable provides an overview of the project status in September 2023.

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D8.1 A - Requirement No. 2 - List of fish species involved in WP2

This document presents all fish species,which can be potentially sampled at the 6 Europeanand 3 CELACDRNs.In red, species are under a national protection scheme, classified as vulnerable or endangered.

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D8.2 A - POPD - NEC - Requirement No. 3 - Ethics issues linked to the participation of entities based in non-EU countries

This document confirms that the activities involving non-EU partners in DRYvER do not raise ethics issues or that these issues are properly adressed in the project. 

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