The stakeholder committee (SHC) of DRYvER Project was established including representatives from focal DRN areas (case study areas) such as water managers (at local, regional or national level), drinking water suppliers, boating companies, NGOs, managers of protected areas, farmers (or other water users), researchers, etc., who are well-connected on water management issues, and are able to represent the more general interests of river needs and services their provide, especially for temporary rivers.
Three different stakeholder levels and roles are identified in DRYvER:
The SHC is set as a core group that have the mission of guide the project and researchers in terms of useful outcomes for management purposes, follow results, be aware of main research outputs from the project, arise issues and discuss about applicable results in terms of management issues and needs. The SHC will be consulted and responsible for providing feedback on Work Packages outcomes, specially related to task T5.1-5.
The SHC will meet at least three times during the project (M12, M24, M48), during consortium meetings to maximise the impact and the dissemination of DRYvER.
Libuše Barešová - Czech hydrometeorological institute
Hana Lukášková - Povodí Moravy, state water agency
Gordana Goreta - Nacionalni park Krka
Igor Stanković - Croatian Waters
Liisa Hämäläinen - Finnish Waters foundation
Gaela Le Béchec - Syndicat de la rivière d'Ain Aval et ses affluents (SR3A)
Benoit Terrier - Agence de l'eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse
Patricia Keszler - Dél-dunántúli Vízügyi Igazgatóság (DDVIZIG)
Dalma Schmeller - Dél-dunántúli Vízügyi Igazgatóság (DDVIZIG)
Miklós Szénási - Mecsekerdő Zrt.
Inmaculada Carbonell - Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar (CHJ)
Antoni Munné - Catalan Water Agency (ACA)