
On this page, we have collected all the DRYvER releated scientific papers that have been published in scientific journals.


López-Rojo N, Sarremejane R, Foulquier A, Singer G, Diamond J, Rioux D, Miquel C, Mulero S, Lionnet C, Peñas FJ, Rodeles AA, Datry T (2025) Alternating drying and flowing phases control stream metabolism through short- and long-term effects: insights from a river network. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

Mimeau L, Künne A, Devers A, Branger F, Kralisch S, Lauvernet C, Vidal J-P, Bonada N, Csabai C, Mykrä H, Pařil P, Polović L, Datry T (2025) Projections of streamflow intermittence under climate change in European drying river networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Escobar-Camacho D, Crabot J, Stubbington R, England J, Sarremejane R, Bonada N, Fernández-Calero JM, Cañedo-Argüelles M, Rezende CF, Chanut P, Csabai Z, Encalada AC, Laini A, Mykrä H, Moya N, Pařil P, Rosero-López D, Datry T (2025) River Drying Causes Local Losses and Regional Gains in Aquatic Invertebrate Metacommunity Diversity: A Cross-Continental Comparison. Global Change Biology.

Pérez-Silos I, Barquín J, Datry T (2025) Ecosystem Services in Drying River Networks: A Meta-Ecosystem Conceptual Model. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water

Hárságyi D, Berta JB, Boóz B, Pap Z, Pernecker B, Szloboda A, Miliša M, Pařil P, Csabai Z, Móra A (2025) Occurrence data for stream-dwelling macroinvertebrates from Central Europe. Data in Brief.

Barthelemy N, Mermillod-Blondin F, Krause S, Simon L, Mimeau L, Devers A, Vidal J-P, Datry T (2024) The Duration of Dry Events Promotes PVC Film Fragmentation in Intermittent Rivers. Environmental Science & Technology. (open version)

Boóz B, Kovács Z, Bartalovics B, Boda P, Miliša M, Pernecker B, Pařil P, Rewicz T, Simon AB, Csabai Z, Móra A (2024) Chironomids (Diptera) from Central European stream networks: new findings and taxonomic issues. Biodiversity Data Journal.

Boóz B, Móra A, Ficsór M, Pařil P, Acosta R, Bartalovics B, Datry T, Fernández-Calero JM, Forcellini M, Miliša M, Mykrä H, Pernecker B, Polášková V, Polović L, Snåre H, Csabai Z (2024) Neglected Dipterans in Stream Studies. Journal of Limnology.

Sepp M, González-Trujillo JD, Marcé R, Sabater S (2024) Synthesis reveals heterogeneous changes in the metabolism and emission of greenhouse gases of drying rivers. Environmental Research Letters

Foulquier A, Datry T, Corti R, von Schiller D, Tockner K, Stubbington R, Gessner M O, Boyer F, Ohlmann M, Thuiller W, Rioux D, Miquel C, Albariño R, Allen D C, Altermatt F, Arce MI, Arnon S, Banas D, Banegas-Medina A, Beller E, Blanchette ML, Blessing J, Boëchat I G, Boersma K, Bogan M, Bonada N, Bond N, Brintrup K, Bruder A, Burrows R, Cancellario T, Canhoto C, Carlson S, Cid N, Cornut J, Danger M, de Freitas Terra B, De Girolamo AM, del Campo R, Díaz Villanueva V, Dyer F, Elosegi A, Febria C, Figueroa Jara R, Four B, Gafny S, Gómez R, Gómez-Gener L, Guareschi S, Gücker B, Hwan J, Jones J I, Kubheka PS, Laini A, Langhans SD, Launay B, Le Goff G, Leigh C, Little C, Lorenz S, Marshall J, Martin Sanz EJ, McIntosh A, Mendoza-Lera C, Meyer E I, Miliša M, Mlambo MC, Morais M, Moya N, Negus P, Niyogi D, Pagán I, Papatheodoulou A, Pappagallo G, Pardo I, Pařil P, Pauls S U, Polášek M, Rodríguez-Lozano P, Rolls RJ, Sánchez-Montoya MM, Savić A, Shumilova O, Sridhar K R, Steward A, Taleb A, Uzan A, Valladares Y, Vander Vorste R, Waltham N , Zak DH, Zoppini A (2024) Unravelling large-scale patterns and drivers of biodiversity in dry rivers. Nature Communications.

Arias-Real R, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Sabater S, Gutiérrez-Cánovas C, Valencia E, Aragón G, Cantón Y, Datry T, Giordani P, Medina NG, de los Ríos A, Romaní AM, Weber B, Hurtado P (2024) Unfolding the dynamics of ecosystems undergoing alternating wet-dry transitional states. Ecology Letters.

Döll P, Abbasi M, Messager ML, Trautmann T, Lehner B, Lamouroux N (2024) Streamflow Intermittence in Europe: Estimating High-Resolution Monthly Time Series by Downscaling of Simulated Runoff and Random Forest ModelingWater Resources Research

López-Rojo N, Datry T, Peñas FJ, Singer G, Lamouroux N, Barquín J, Rodeles AA, Silverthorn T, Sarremejane R, del Campo R, Estévez E, Mimeau L, Boyer F, Künne A, Dalvai Ragnoli M, Foulquier A (2024) Carbon emissions from inland waters may be underestimated: Evidence from European river networks fragmented by drying. Limnology and Oceanography Letters.

Escobar Camacho D, Barragán KS, Guayasamin JM, Gavilanes G, Encalada AC (2024) New records of native and introduced fish species in a river basin of Western Ecuador, the Chocó-Darien Ecoregion, using DNA barcoding. PLoS ONE.

Mimeau L, Künne A, Branger F, Kralisch S, Devers A, Vidal J-P (2024) Flow intermittence prediction using a hybrid hydrological modelling approach: influence of observed intermittence data on the training of a random forest model. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.

Silverthorn T, López-Rojo N, Sarremejane R, Foulquier A, Chanudet V, Azougui A, del Campo R, Singer G, Datry T (2024) River network-scale drying impacts the spatiotemporal dynamics of greenhouse gas fluxes. Limnology and Oceanography

Datry T, Boulton AJ, Fritz K, Stubbington R, Cid N, Crabot J, Tockner K (2023) Non-perennial segments in river networksNature Reviews Earth & Environment. (open version)

Silverthorn TK, López-Rojo N, Foulquier A, Chanudet V, Datry T (2023) Greenhouse gas dynamics in river networks fragmented by drying and damming. Freshwater Biology

Truchy A, Csabai Z, Mimeau L, Künne A, Pernecker B, Bertin W, Pellizzaro F, Datry T (2023) Citizen scientists can help advance the science and management of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streamsBioScience

Loskotová B, Straka M, Pernecker B, Dostálová A, Csabai Z, Polášek M, Pařil P (2023) Combined effect of stream drying and nutrient enrichment on macroinvertebrate community: experimental study from artificial stream mesocosms. Aquatic Sciences. (read only version available here)

Jacquet C, Munoz F, Bonada N, Datry T, Heino J, Jabot F (2022) Disturbance-driven alteration of patch connectivity determines local biodiversity recovery within metacommunities. Ecography

B-Béres V, Kókai Z, Várbíró G, Mustazhapova G, Csabai Z, Pernecker B, Borics G, Bácsi I, Boda P (2022) Flow Intermittence Drives the Benthic Algal Composition, Biodiversity and Diatom-Based Quality of Small Hilly Streams in the Pannonian Ecoregion, HungaryFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Steward Al, Datry T, Langhans SD (2022) The terrestrial and semi-aquatic invertebrates of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streamsBiological Reviews

Datry T, Allen D, Argelich R, Barquin J, Bonada N, Boulton A, Branger F, Cai Y, Cañedo-Argüelles M, Cid N, Csabai Z, Dallimer M, de Araújo JC, Declerck S, Dekker T, Döll P, Encalada A, Forcellini M, Foulquier A, Heino J, Jabot F, Keszler P, Kopperoinen L, Kralisch S, Künne A, Lamouroux N, Lauvernet C, Lehtoranta V, Loskotová B, Marcé R, Martin Ortega J, Matauschek C, Miliša M, Mogyorósi S, Moya N, Müller Schmied H, Munné A, Munoz F, Mykrä H, Pal I, Paloniemi R, Pařil P, Pengal P, Pernecker B, Polášek M, Rezende C, Sabater S, Sarremejane R, Schmidt G, Senerpont Domis L, Singer G, Suárez E, Talluto M, Teurlincx S, Trautmann T, Truchy A, Tyllianakis E, Väisänen S, Varumo L, Vidal J-P, Vilmi A, Vinyoles D (2021) Securing Biodiversity, Functional Integrity, and Ecosystem Services in Drying River Networks (DRYvER). Research Ideas and Outcomes.

Crabot J, Dolédec S, Forcellini M, Datry T (2021) Efficiency of invertebrate-based bioassessment for evaluating the ecological status of streams along a gradient of flow intermittence. Ecological Indicators

Sarremejane R, Messager ML, Datry T (2021) Drought in intermittent river and ephemeral stream networks. Ecohydrology. (open version)

Cid N, Erős T, Heino J, Singer G, Jähnig CS, Cañedo-Argüelles M, Bonada N, Sarremejane R,  Mykrä H, Sandin L, Paloniemi R, Varumo L, Datry T (2021) From meta-system theory to the sustainable management of rivers in the Anthropocene. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Crabot J, Mondy CP, Usseglio-Polatera P, Fritz KM, Wood PJ, Greenwood MJ, Bogan MT, Meyer EI, Datry T (2021) A global perspective on the functional responses of stream communities to flow intermittence. Ecography.

Blackman RC, Altermatt F, Foulquier A, Lefébure T, Gauthier M, Bouchez A, Stubbington R, Weigand AM, Leese F, Datry T (2021) Unlocking our understanding of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams with genomic toolsFrontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

Messager ML, Lehner B, Cockburn C, Lamouroux N, Pella H, Snelder T, Tockner K, Trautmann T, Watt C, Datry T (2021) Global prevalence of non-perennial rivers and streams. Nature.